Mohit conducts workshops for students hailing from art and design colleges across
Jaipur and other cities like Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Delhi, and Mumbai. Not only do
we cater to domestic students, but also foreign visitors who are intrigued by
woodworking classes. Our workshops provide an excellent opportunity to learn about
the craft and enhance your skills.

Expanding the business, supporting artisans
by Malji Arts : Online Art Gallery
Mohit and his family are committed to promoting the art of woodcarving and
supporting the livelihoods of skilled artisans. In light of the current economic climate,
they have taken it upon themselves to hire a team of twelve artisans, who have been
left without work due to the pandemic. The family provides the artisans with a steady
stream of work and a guaranteed income. Furthermore, the artisans are given all the
necessary raw materials, tools, and equipment to complete their work from the
comfort of their own homes. The family even takes care of the transportation of the
finished pieces, ensuring that the artisans are not burdened with any additional

Mohit takes great pride in his profession as a woodcarver, and he wouldn't trade it for any other job. He believes that woodcarving provides him with an unparalleled level of freedom and creativity, something that most regular jobs cannot offer. His passion for the craft is evident in the stunning pieces he produces, and he is grateful for the opportunity to support other artisans who share his passion.
~ Mohit Jangid: Owner
I always say to our customers; “The sculpture chooses you, you do not choose the sculpture. You just know when you find the right piece to bring into your home and into your heart.“